Cardiac Services has been working hard during the recent COVID-19 crisis to support our customers in the HSE and the NHS as they ramp up capacity and high acuity beds within their hospitals and departments. In the current climate we can’t have the access to staff we would normally, so the team have come up with innovative solutions to manage commissioning, installation and training while keeping clinical staff and our own teams safe. We have developed training guides, online PowerPoint presentations, training videos and have delivered online training sessions to clinical staff seeking to upskill as they adapt to different roles. If we can help with any aspect of training with equipment we have supplied or if you would like access to our online training resources please e-mail us at: or call:
01 830 7499 (Dublin)
028 90 669000 (Belfast)
01625 878 999 (Manchester)
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If you have any queries or if you are needing some advise then please don’t hesitate to contact us and we could help you within minutes.
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